THIS PLACE WAS MY HOME. I started at Kirkham’s Outdoor Products at 17 years old, working commissioned sales on the floor. This meant, if I didn't sell, I didn't eat. Despite this, it was one of the greatest experiences of my life because it taught me the meaning of hard work. Additionally, I thrived in a competitive environment--something which has later proved to be a benefit.
WEB DESIGN INTERN. As I had some knowledge of web development and graphic design, I was hired to fill this role. I was hungry to learn more.
WEB DESIGNER/ONLINE MARKETING MANAGER. After putting in hours of grunt work, I was promoted to a full-fledged web designer. By this point, I had taken a few college web design courses and felt ready to take on the worldwide web.
NOW ADD GRAPHIC DESIGNER. Things were changing within the company and I took over more responsibilities. For me, this meant more time spent on actual marketing printing, like newspaper inserts, store signage, etc.
SALES & MARKETING MANAGER. During this whole expanding process, I continued to manage the sales floor part-time, juggling the different aspects of the business alongside the online world. I felt it was important to understand how and what we were selling to market our products accurately, and so when an opportunity came up for Sales Manager, I took (and got) it. This was where web marketing and running a business finally merged.
KIRKHAM'S OUTDOOR PRODUCTS SOLD. This was one of the hardest times of my life; while working at Kirkham’s, I had not only developed professionally but also grown literally during the years I worked there. This made letting go of the place very difficult. However, it truly was for the best, and although I didn’t want to admit it, we all saw it coming. The new company hired me on, but, as it turned out, it wasn't the path for me. As I left the company, this was the start of my new adventure.
A NEW START. Putting all the things I have done and accomplished at Kirkham's Outdoor Products in over 12 years into one small collection would be ridiculous. Instead of trying, I've compiled a few snapshots of my work from this time in my life. Disclaimer: This work is real and raw. Kirkham’s was a quick and bustling business, and sometimes we sent out email newsletters that could have looked better, looked crisper, or could have been edited more. But this isn’t art, it’s a business. I'm sure you know, if you're a business owner, that sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. For my own business here at B.O.W.D., I would like to put in a bit more love, a bit more time, and create content I can truly call art. However, if you need to get things done, just let me know; I will hustle for you, having the content do its job while also looking good.